Here are my (very) early predictions. I know, I know-- they have not even been released yet. However, with such talent as what we will see in the women of the fall, it is not hard to guess who might come out in the top five.

It is disappointing to hear such lackluster reviews of Changeling from the New York Film Festival. I had high hopes for this one. I appreciate Clint Eastwood's work-- namely, Million Dollar Baby (Flags of our Fathers felt surprisingly uninspired to me). MDB is one of my all-time favorites, though. When it comes to individual actress performances, he certainly knows how to bring out the emotional powerhouse in them. As a mother whose child is kidnapped, Angelina will no doubt cry and scream her way into a nomination. No matter what people say, I am still really looking forward to this movie, if only to see what Angelina has done with it. It's far too infrequently that she chooses to remind us she's one of the best actresses of our time-- not just the sexiest (and, lately: fertile).

Nicole Kidman: Australia (Nov. 26)
Lately Nicole has gotten a bad rap after being called the "Most Overpaid Celebrity" by Forbes magazine. What this says to me, however, is that she has focused on some different flicks that have stretched her abilities (Margot at the Wedding) without necessarily stretching the box office. While they may not have appealed to popular audiences (I was one of the few who loved Margot), they reminded the few who watched what great skill Nicole really has. Ignore Bewitched and recall Moulin Rouge! After all, it was the latter, helmed by the same director as Australia (Baz Luhrmann), that earned her her first nomination. She was the sleeper favorite then in 2002. Expect the same from a stellar Luhrmann-Kidman teaming and an Oscar-friendly epic war-romance.

Husband and director, Sam Mendes (American Beauty), has some experience with the Academy. He's already done a film about suburban disillusionment, and it won him an Oscar. Revolutionary Road is another take on this idea, only it is set post-WWII. Based on an incredibly powerful novel (and a personal favorite of mine) by the highly underrated Richard Yates, this film will get tons of buzz around the Best Drama category. However, the story revolves almost solely around the emotions of the two lead characters (Winslet and DiCaprio), so it should also propel them into nominations. In this dramatic, tragic tearjerker, Winslet could have read the novel out loud and she might have gotten a nomination. Throwing her whole body into the spectacular character? You can count on her sixth nod.

Yes, I listed Kate twice on purpose. The studio made absolutely certain to rush this film out in time to make the cut-off for Oscar nominations. That should pay off for Kate, who is the youngest actress to receive five nominations (no wins, which is unjust). This Holocaust film is likely to give Winslet a second nomination for this year, which is ironic for anyone who has seen Ricky Gervais's show Extras. She made an appearance on the first episode as a nun in the Holocaust and mocked herself, saying,
"I mean I don't the we even really need another film about the Holocaust, do we? It's like how many have there been? We get it, it was grim. Move on. I'm doing it because I've noticed if you do a film about the Holocaust-- guaranteed an Oscar. I've been nominated [five] times, never won. The whole world is going, 'Why hasn't Winslet won one?' That's it, that's why I'm doing it. Schindler's bloody List, The Pianist-- Oscars coming out their bloody ass!" (click here for the clip, start around 5:10)Meryl Streep: Doubt (Dec. 12 - limited)

Did you know Meryl has not won Best Actress in 26 years? For anyone who has seen Sophie's Choice, there is no doubt that she is one of the best actresses of our time, and certainly even of all time. (For anyone who has not seen it, do yourself a favor and rent it now!) Doubt is an incredibly heavy film based on a Pulitzer Prize-winning play. The lead actress of the play won a Tony for Meryl's role. There is no doubt in my mind that she will get her fifteenth nomination. I would give her a nomination for the trailer alone.
Honorable Mentions:
Anne Hathaway: Rachel Getting Married
Cate Blanchett: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Kristin Scott Thomas: I've Loved You So Long
What I love about this race is that the top 5 women receiving buzz for the Best Actress Oscars are all heavy favorites of mine. However, I am so torn! I want all to win! They all deserve it. But, I have my inkling (yes, before I've seen any of the films, so obviously highly speculative) that the winner will be:
Kate Winslet: Revolutionary Road - Having read the novel and seen just about every Winslet project, I could not imagine a character better poised for award recognition than April Wheeler, and I could not imagine a better actress to bring her to life. Not to mention, teaming up with Mendes, who is incredibly talented in directing his lead stars (let alone his wife), should give her the advantage in a very, very tight race.
I would not be surprised if these women got nominated. They're all Oscar darlings (whether winners or nominees) who seem to be giving great performances this year.
Yay for all the Kate-love! It will be beyond badass if she got two nods. I'm so excited for Revolutionary Road. It looks like it has a Mad Men-type feel to it. (But maybe that's just because it was advertised during MM!)
Oooh, Doubt looks gooood!
Oh, also, here is the critic I told you about:
He's dirty and hilarious and demanding of film and writes through shtick about his failed life in Colorado. I added every one of the movies he rated 4 or 5 fingers (go through his archive) to my Netflix Queue and they have all been fantastic (as well as numerous).
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